A world filled with Magic, Dragons, Fairies, Valkyiries, and much much more! How could so much be in a childs storybook?
Graphics: 8
Sound: 7
Value: 8
Tilt: 9
Erion is the magical world that Odin Sphere is set.(This game takes place in a world in a child's storybook.) The world of Erion is filled with Magic, Dragons, Fairies, Valkyries, Magical Lands and much much more. A prophecy tells that the world is coming to an end because of an artifact called the Cauldron and many are in a war fighting for it. The cauldron has some connection to a man by the name of King Valentine who died a while ago. This leads to the tale of 5 great warriors which each have their own magical weapon known as a Psypher. Each one of them has their own storybook which must be unlocked. (Other than Gwendolyns) Gwendolyn's book is Valkyrie, Cornelius' has the Pooka Prince, Mercedes has Fairy Land, Oswald has the Black Sword, and Velvet has Fate. After you have completed the game with each character you will unlock the book Armegeddon which lets you play as any of the 5 characters as you attempt to save Erion from its destruction. The story is interesting partly because of the fact that it is dramatic and sad at parts and the characters and world the game is set in are great to. The game is set much like an old game.(Not particularly a bad thing.) The game is played like a 2D game so you go back and forth and each part of a level is spherical so you can go all the way around it and come back around pretty quickly. The goal of each stage is to clear all enemies or the boss to advance to a different path. You will often have 2 or 3 paths to choose from and different paths will let you be able to get aquire different objects and reach shops. You will often encounter about 2 or 3 bosses in a single level depending which paths you choose. (You will always fight a boss at the end of the level.) These bosses at the end of levels can be those such as Demon Lord Odin, General Brigan, Wagner the Raging Dragon, Odette Queen of the Dead and more. Each character has their own combos and spells at their disposal. Spells can only be used by absorbing enough Phozons which are the source of life in the world of Erion. Absorbing enough Phozons will raise your Pspher level and help you gain new spells. Recipes can be aquired so that you can visit the Pooka village and visit their Rabbit Cafe or Pooka Kitchen. A Pooka is a rabbit looking person who was transformed by the Pooka curse. All you need to get a meal at a Pooka's restuarant is the ingrediants and they will cook it for you. Eating will help you raise your health level. You can make your own items by mixing items with a potion called the material. Surprisingly the game is not as easy as it looks. It is quite the opposite. You will most likely find yourself frustrated on some of the boss battles some are extremely hard and some of the normal stages are actually quite difficult as well so yeah Odin Sphere is actually quite challenging. The games graphics look like an old games since the people in the game are sprite like but thats not a bad thing. Actually it is quite interesting because the Sprites and the backgrounds look pretty nice so graphically the game is quite nice. It is a pretty long game if you play all of Storybooks and can take you maybe 40-60 hours to complete but once completed their isn't much reason to come back. Odin Sphere will most likely interest people into fantasy stories, fairy tales, or people into side scrolling games and overall Odin Sphere was good. So if you like fantasy games or side scrollers you may want to try this one out.