With the rest of its library, the N64 really doesn't deserve such a wonderful game. Ogre Battle 64 is one fine RPG.
User Rating: 9.4 | Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber N64
The beginning- Ogre Battle 64 is an amazingly innovative game. I really can't believe it was released on N64, because it deserved much better than that console. Ogre Battle 64 is an RPG by standard definitions yet has qualities that are unseen in other RPGs(Ogre Battle of course is the exception). Ogre Battle 64's battles are done almost completely automatically(you have no control over characters in your party other than general strategy). The strategy of battle lies in the planning phase. You strive for creating powerful units using dozens of characters before placing and utilizing them apropriately. The good- The story of Ogre Battle 64 is so riveting it makes my skin crawl with excitement to get to the next part. The plot is political in nature and shows many sides of a war that rages endlessly in the Ogre Battle world. You can also look back on to the story and watch any major cutscenes through something called the Hugo Report. This is just icing on the cake of Ogre Battle 64's amazingly well constructed story. This game is blessed with one of the largest parties you will ever have in an RPG. Expect to have well over a hundred characters, each belonging to one of many unique job classes (similar to Final Fantasy V, but way freaking better) by the time you reach the end of Ogre Battle 64. One of these job classes is the coolest job class ever (although you never get it, one enemy has it). Get ready to be blown away with cool and want to buy this game, because the two characters in the Ogre Battle world that have this class are just as cool as their title implies. Ready? Death Templar. Yeah, told you it was the coolest job class ever. Be sorry for ever doubting me. Ogre Battle 64 has very apropriate music that motivates you to crush whatever enemy forces you may be encountering at the time. The artwork in the game is also done very well. There are many hidden characters and things that can be easily over looked in Ogre Battle 64.(I am one of those people that loves games that have more than meets the eye.) After you buy it (and you will buy it), expect to replay many times in hope of getting "The perfect data". You won't be able to help it. Bad stuff- Lets see here. Ogre Battle 64 does end at some point unfortunately. The only really "bad" thing about Ogre Battle 64 is that you do have to play it using the blindly constructed, toy-like N64 controller. Awesome stuff- The most memorable thing about Ogre Battle 64 was when a character named Rhade decided to execute the rebellion commander Frederick then reminded him "...don't forget you're nothing but a piece of ****!". Wow, this is on N64?! Bottom line-10/10 Best game on N64. It's crappy controller is the only problem but I cannot take away points because, oh yeah, every N64 game uses that controller. You better have a copy within five feet of you by now. -Geusprime