I think this game is the best game for the N64 and that there should be other games like this one.
User Rating: 9.6 | Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber N64
Now I haven't played any of the other Ogrebattle games except the one for the game boy advance and that is a pretty good game too but this game - one of the best ones that I have ever played in my life because there are so many classes to choose from, 13 different endings, and also the storyline is great and long and that is just the way I like it. The gameplay is unlike any other game that I know of because it isn't one of those RPGs where you have a turn-based battle, this game you don't take turns at all. This game is very unique in lots of different ways: it involves so much strategy that sometimes I have to pause the game and think about what I'm going to do next in the level I am on. Also, in another way I like it is that if someone dies, you can go on except if the main character dies and also that if someone is dead they can turn into zombies. This is a great game overall.