This is a platformer that puts all other platformers to utter shame!!
***Gameplay: I've played way too many games that left me thinking "That was it? That was way too easy!" Then I stumbled upon this game: The one game that I felt satisfaction when I beat it. Trust me, you have no idea how pleasant that feeling is until you experience it yourself. You'll be guarenteed to spend at least 70 hours before you beat the game your first time around.
***Graphics: Normally, I don't care much about graphics. but these graphics truly left me speechless. Not once in this game do the graphic look like they're not from a painted scroll.
***Music: Perfectly fits the game theme. Love it!
***Cons: Sadly, even the best platformers have to have an annoying little bug that gives you advice on stuff that you figured out over 10 minutes ago. Okami isn't an exception. Although everything else makes up for it.
All in all: 10/10. No question about it.