Staggeringly beautiful and rock-solid gameplay.

User Rating: 9.4 | Okami (French) PS2
Okami has been on my "gaming back-burner" for quite some time now. Among all the next-gen hype it's easy for a game like this to get lost, especially during the holiday season. I stumbled into my local retailer and saw that it had come out and I immediately bought it, played it, and loved every aspect of it. My girlfriend walked by and asked what cartoon I was watching. It's that gorgeous. However, this isn't just a pretty coat of paint on top of shoddy gameplay. The combat is almost completely up to the player. Don't feel like fighting? Then don't, run past the enemy and continue your quest. The gameplay is never frustrating and the entertainment and pacing are spot on. Control of the character is tight and responsive and there isn't a "cheap death" to be found while playing. The soundtrack made me hearken back to my classic days of gaming. The music is simple and clearly conveys all of the emotional splendor of the game to a T. My only gripe would be how long the opening story is. In my first play-through I accidentally went to the menu before saving to tweak the camera controls and hit "return to title" instead of "return to game" and had to sit through all fifteen minutes of the opening story. This wasn't all bad though because it certainly has an interesting narrative and is never too heavy-handed.

In closing I'd like to say kudos to Clover for taking a chance and breaking from the mundane action adventure formula.