Best game since Zelda OOT.
In okami the gameplay is set up like your normal adventure game. Your have your attack button, jump, action and others. The whole game works perfectly with the playstation 2 controller and all the buttons are mapped out perfectly. Also you have these "Celestial Brush Powers" witch basically you press R1 then the game pauses and then a tail like thing with some ink on it appears and you draw certain shapes and different things will happen like if you draw a circle around a dead tree it will bloom to life with an amazing animation.
Instead of going for the super texture crazy realistic graphic okami goes with this like Japanese art style witch is vary nice and looks amazing you will enjoy it the whole way through the game. These graphic work its magic in allot of ways in this game that will make you appreciate this style.
The game has a couple different scenarios in it but the most memorable one is in the beginning where you face an eight headed dragon and you have to save a damsel in distress kind of thing.
Lasting Appeal
If you are a completest you are going to have many long and fun hours with this game and even if you are not this game is going to run you about 20-30 hours depending on how many secret things you go and try to find.
In conclusion this game is the most amazing adventure game since Zelda: OOT and will have you coming back time and time again.