This is easily one of the most creative & artistic games ever on any system.

User Rating: 10 | Okami (French) PS2
Wow! Just finished this breath-taking game and am still processing all that I have seen. This is easily one of the most creative & artistic games ever on any system.

Once you get used to the celestial brush, there's no turning back. I had so much fun just trying out new brush techniques on unsuspecting enemies. This is one of those games that just when you think you've reached the end, a whole new quest opens up and you'll be playing for days more. I'm quite anxious to see how the wolf levels in the new Zelda game stack up to Okami. This one definitely gives Zelda a run for it's money.

I would love to see an HD Okami II come out for the PS3. This is easily a must-have PS2 game, right up there with Final Fantasy 12 and the upcoming God of War 2.