You need to buy this game. It's freaking insane!

User Rating: 9 | Okami WII
Okami is a great game on the wii with very good graphics and a nice widescreen mode. It is better than the PS2 version in many ways. For one, the game is a lot more fun and easy using the wii remote to draw instead of the analog stick. Also this game is very creative. It is a good addition to the wii library when it comes to adventure games. This game is kind of like Zelda Twightlight Princess. But, for those of you who thought that there were to many dungeons in Twilight and they were all boring, this game is different. You will usually not have to find very hard locationed boss keys and crap like that. However, this game does have a very hard control scheme. You have to use the nunchuck to dodge. But do not worry this game is almost perfect in every other way. What I really was hoping for was a co-op mode Okami. Well that did not come true. Keep dreaming and taking turns with your friends because this game is great.

The games difficulty is good and this game will leave you playing for about 50 hours.