This amazing and lengthy adventure will leave you completely satisfied.

User Rating: 9.6 | Okami (French) PS2
Okami is based on some Japanese mythology. Okami Amaterasu, the god of the sun, is summoned to rid Nippon of a new-found evil as it spreads across the vast land. The tiny village at the start of the game is where you learn of the dark 8 headed dragon, Orochi, and the legend of Nagi and Shiranui. Basically Amaterasu is the reincarnation of Shiranui, 100 years to the future. However, the Shiranui of legend had the ability to use the 13 different Celestial Brush techniques. Early on in your adventure you are joined by a pint sized sprite, Issun, who claims to be a wandering artist. He initially joins you in your quest to see and master the 13 celestial brush techniques, but ends being with you almost the entire journey. Gamplay: It was actually very unique for the most part. Having a similar adventure aspect to that of the Legend of Zelda series, the game is very epic and has a lot of different collectibles. There is Praise, which basically acts as your experience, multiple weapons and weapon types, and Sun fragments which are similar to heart pieces. The combat is a little simplistic and easy if when you're not using the Celestial Brush to fight. The brush is a really well done and unique gameplay mechanic and from the start of the game until its end it remains fun to use on any occasion.

Graphics: The graphics were certainly one of the more memorable aspects of this game. While they weren't amazingly detailed the whole cell-shaded look to them really worked for the best. The colours were bright and often quite elegant. These colours also put a big emphasis on some things such as Amaterasu's holy designs on her fur. The environments were beautiful, when the darkness ravished through the land but even more so when life was restored to the land by revivng the Guardian Saplings. The animation each time one of the Saplings were revived was a combination of gorgeous colours with an explosion of flowers. Each time this happened you cant help but feel happy in a way.

Sound: All of the songs in the game were original pieces and all of them seemed to portray Japan in ancient times, just when the game took place. Some of them were also very memorable and will probably stick with you for quite some time, and also these more memorable songs did a great job of creating an atmosphere whether it be a sense a panic or happiness. The sound effects were also very useful for the games atmosphere. The one minor issue i had here was the lack of voice acting though that was probably do to the amount of dialogue there is in the game; there's quite a bit. Instead the voices were replaced by a type of gibberish i suppose. while this speech wasnt annoying i would have liked voices.

Value: Any game that takes the average player 35 + hours deserves a high value score. I finalyl finished this game in around 46 hours, due to a lot of exploring and side missions. If youre the kind of person that likes to take their time, this game is very recommenable. It's simple: any Ps2 owner should at least try this game, and any fan of the adventure genre should buy this game without a doubt.