Okami is an artistically beautiful adventure that everyone should experience.
You assume the role of Amaterasu Okami the sun goddess better known as Ammy throughout the story. Even though the sex of Ammy is somewhat discrepant, the fact that she is referred to both as "the mother of us all" and "maiden in white" portrays to me that she is female even though this is never stated. Ammy along with a tiny wandering artist Issun set out to obtain the 13 celestial brush techniques and slay the evil demons that plague the world of Nippon. These techniques are activated by pressing R1 which turns the scene into a canvas and allows you to draw symbols, lines which effect the environment, for example by drawing a circle around a dead tree allows the tree to bloom where as drawing a line through a rock cuts the rock in half. These skills also are utilized in combat as well.
The means of enhancing Ammy's attributes are found in the form of praise, when you help people, animals or restore nature from the grasp of darkness, you receive praise which is equal to exp.
Perhaps one of the most remarkable attributes of this title is the environments, the in game graphics look like a painting on canvas and with the introduction of the celestial brush techniques makes this game feel more like art.
The last thing I wish to mention about this game is the character Amaterasu Okami portrays. She is portrayed as a wolf with the basic characteristics of a wolf; she never talks yet barks, paws at air and jumps on her hind legs when she's excited like a typical dog does. I enjoyed this aspect about the character because it demonstrates an innocence about her and also a since of humility that even though Amaterasu is a god, she portrays the humble demeanor of a loyal dog.
Okami is by far has become one of my favorite games and to me is nothing short of an artistic masterpiece. Anyone that has not played this title is missing out and should experience this adventure first hand.