Shows you that the PS2 still has a little trick up its sleeve

User Rating: 9.6 | Okami (French) PS2
I was wondering through my local virgin megastores on a friday and saw this game on the shelf and thought "Hey, that looks pretty sweet" So i went to try and buy it. What i forgot to see was that it was on the "Coming Soon" rack and was due to come out in 2 weeks, that got me kinda bummed. Anyway that night i looked it up on the internet and what not, and it just made me want it more and more. Well the day finally came and i bought it and OMG was it worth it. You play as Amatasaru, Mother to all and all that is good, a white wolf with special powers that effect the real world itself. You are summoned by the nature godess, Sakuya, to help rid the land of evil and make everything the way it should be. Your weapon, the celestial brush, just draw on it and whatever you've drawn effects the real world. As you progress you unlock more celestial brush techniques and more weapons, like swords and rosettes. There are even secret celestial brush techniques, like summoning wirlwinds and making it possible to rain at any time. This game was a real breath of fresh air for me, and just kept giving and giving, even when i thought i was near the end a whole new story conept unfolds. This is an absoute definte buy for the PS2 and i strongly suggest that you get a copy.