Okami, a new revolutionary form of game play alongside an amazing story based off ancient japanese legeds.

User Rating: 10 | Okami WII
Let me start off by saying this is one of the most well put together games I have ever played. That is by no means an exageration. This review will be set up in a simple list format listing the good and the bad points of the game.
Good Points:
-Amazing storyline. I will not give anything away but the basic jist of it is that you are the reborn god/godess Amaterasu who must journey through the world of NIppon to defeat the reawakened eight headed demon Orochi but the story does not stop there, infact the initial story line is only about a fourth of the whole game.
-Throughout the game you aquire Brush Techniques which can be used via the wiimote as a brush. These techniques vary from everything from controling fire to creating a mist that slows time.
-The graphics are AMAZING! Enough said. The old style of japanese art is amazing especialy if you're ana anime fan like myself.
-There are a variety of weapons to use alongside your celestial brush.

-The only thing I found was bad about this game was that it was slightly challenging. Challenging isn't really a good word as it's not so much you die very often its more you dont always know what to do. Confuzing describes it much better. However it is not so hard it will take you hours and hours to figure out. Besides there are many wonderfull walkthroughs writen by the users of Gamespot and GameFAQs which I found to be extreemly helpful.

All in all Okami is an AMAZING game but might prove to be a little challenging for younger players and those with very little patience.

P.S. Sorry for any spelling errors but I kinda was in a rush when I wrote this so I did not have time to use the spell check.