Go for Mario & Sonic instead
User Rating: 5 | Olympic Games Tokyo 2020: The Official Video Game NS
I bought this on the Switch and it's pretty ordinary stuff. Most of the sports aren't much fun and it runs pretty slowly. I only picked this game up this morning and after a day I'm already bored with it. I'll be heading back to my local EB Games and exchanging it for Mario & Sonic as soon as I get the chance. At least I know there will be some fun to be had with the characters. Gjvjvjvhvuguvuguguguvucufugugufuguguftiditdiydiyditdiydykdkyxykditditdtjdjtdgkdkgdjtdjtdjtdjtdtidjgdgjxjtdjtdtjdtjdjtdtjditditditditdtiditdutditdtiditditdyidiydtiditditdyidtidiydyiditdyidyidiyfiydiyfyifiyfyif ggg ggg ggg hgg yhh yyg