Ahhhh......the memories.....

User Rating: 10 | Omega Boost PS
Ahhhh, this game reminds me of the games of old, games like gradius, or r type, except you know 3-d and stuff. the memories, simple controls, hard difficulty, a few (hard) levels, good graphics for PSX, a hint of RPG elements. i'm glad I picked this one up, because it is a great game, and it has great music, and (yes i'm actually saying it) good FMV. I think the game wasn't too popular because, it came out around the time games like Final Fantasy VIII, and the release of the (GREAT!!!) Sega Dreamcast. i bought this game twice once for $12 (which ended up in an accident, but that's a different story), and recently for $3 (and in perfect condition for a used game), but no matter the price, if you are a nostolgic gamer lookin for something "new" you should get it. next someone should make a game similar to River City Ransom (NES, GBA) or RIKIKUNIO (japan Famicom).