A fun arcade-style shooter hampered by its relatively short length, but the sheer intensity makes up for it.

User Rating: 8 | Omega Five X360
Right off the bat, this game can be seen as the spiritual successor to Forgotten Worlds. In its own right, Omega Five is a fun, challenging shoot-em-up that I newly downloaded right alongside Castle Crashers.

You can pick one of two characters, with two more you unlock as you progress in the game. The environments are gorgeous in high-def, and there are lots of bizarre and fascinating enemies--all the more pleasurable to blow to bits. The music is catchy and appropriate--a throwback to the old-school three-dimensional shooters like Einhander and RayStorm. To shoot, you use the right analog stick, spraying your fire in any and all directions. (Looks like they took their cues from Geometry Wars and Robotron!)

My only major issue with Omega Five: the game is short, easily beaten within two to three hours. With only four levels, I was asking myself this question when I beat it the first time...."That's it?" The action is so frenetic and the gameplay is so fun, you feel let down when it's over so soon. Six levels could have made this game better, but I digress.

A shame there's no online multiplayer, but at least there are Leaderboards that change every week.

Overall, this is a competent arcade-style shooter with staying power and pretty good replay value. It could have been a lot better if it had more than just four levels, but the frenetic pacing and relentless action make up for it to a degree. It'll take you back to the halcyon days of 32-bit shooters that you probably played on the PlayStation One and Dreamcast.