Perfection in tailored difficulty and breakneck speed action.

User Rating: 8 | One Finger Death Punch PC

I'm tempted to write a simple, tongue-in-cheek review like the ones that seem to be popular on Steam:

This game wore out my mouse (true story).


But that wouldn't do One Finger Death Punch justice. This is a game that fits the description of "greater than the sum of all its parts." With no story, stick figure visuals and two button controls, how could this be great? My answer: perfection in tailored difficulty and breakneck speed action. This game consistently throws at you the most exhilarating level of challenge without crossing over into frustration. Are you tired and sluggish today? No problem, the kung-fu will slow down to match you. Just loaded up on coffee? Don't get cocky because as fast as you go, this game will keep up.

It is precisely because of the two button control scheme that One Finger Death Punch is able to be such a fast paced game. I applaud the developers for finding this strength in what otherwise seems like a weak choice for controls. Similar praise could be given to the visuals. They're far from AAA quality but they're vibrant, fluid and joyously violent enough to work. The sound is deliciously impactful as you smash enemies through walls or cut them down with a light sword. I would have welcomed more tracks on the soundtrack but what is there fits the quick tempo of the combat. The announcer, while campy, is as fun to listen to as his accent is over-the-top. I'd also like to highlight the hilarious "No Luca No" survival mode that adds a nice human (and feline) touch to the game.

All this adds up to a game that is entertaining through and through.