If you like One Piece or Jump All stars, play this.
User Rating: 9 | One Piece: Gigant Battle! DS
Gigant Battle is reminiscent of Jump Super/Ultimate Stars, another Japanese import DS title. It's a 2D brawler, played out over several stage maps with mission/objective based battles. If you're a one piece fan, you will not be disappointed. Everything you would want is pretty much in this game. A huge character roster ('round 16) that you can fight with, and an additional 60 or so support characters, all canon character's up to the Impel Down Saga battle. A lot of work went into the game, with specific move sets per character, and 3 satisfying combo finishers per character. The actual 'story' is just traveling through the one piece story. It even highlights the 'end' where one piece may be located. The dialogue and game are in japanese, but not to the point that you couldn't play through the game. There are some FAQ's that can help in a pinch, but basic hiragana/katakana comprehension would speed up the learning curve. It's easily one of my favorite games on the DS, and I hold it up to Ultimate Stars as a gold standard of 2d brawlers. Gigant Battle 2 was released last year, and seems to be just as good with more characters. If you don't mind the import cost, this is an essential DS buy for any one piece fan.