Beefed up version of One Piece: Grand Battle.

User Rating: 10 | One Piece: Grand Adventure PS2
One Piece : Grand Battle was an awesome game with many characters and unlockables. It had really cool secret techniques and super attacks that really got my attention. But One Piece: Grand Adventure has more characters and it also has racing mini games. Plus, the secret attacks are easy to dish out. On Grand Battle, if you wanted to unleash a characters full secret attack, you had to get a diamond or be almost dead. On here, you just attack, fill up your thee bars, press either square, X or O and there you have it. You can also make your own pirate crew which is freaking awesome. The only character I hate on this game is Bon Clay. His attacks are freaky and in a way disturbing. Other than that, it is an amazing brawler for the PS2. A must have for One Piece fans.