I thought this was going to be a good anime based fighting game. But was it?
My first issue is the characters,instead of them looking like they do in the cartoon they look like your fighting with munchkins or oompa-loompas.Their visuals are not that great.The gameplay on the other hand can be fun at times but its a very few of those times where it gets fun.It should have been rated "E' instead of "T" and thats forsure because its like a toddlers fighting game instead of a teens .Its just not that great the moves are cool but they are not enough to save this cheap fighter from getting a fair score.The story is basically just thrown together making it pretty much whack.Im not saying at times that i dont like the game but its just not something your going to play everyday.I'd say stick with the Dragon Ball Z game's because this one just doesnt hit the fighting fans spot if you ask me.
I would rather go with Ganbarion's other fighting game thats a import from Japan its called Jump Ultimate Stars that game is much better than this one.