One Piece: Unlimited Adventure is a very deep game that has a fun development system, and battles.

User Rating: 9 | One Piece: Unlimited Adventure WII
One Piece: Unlimited Adventure, overall is a wonderful game. There's much to do, and a lot to talk about, but first would probably be the battles.

9/10 Battles, as you travel through different dungeons, enemies will randomly spawn. To attack, you can either press the A button, shake the wiimote, or do a Jump-Attack or a Dash-Attack. Your main attacks will probably be the A button, depending on the One Piece character your playing as this might be a double of triple attack. Each attack differs for each character, they change with range, strength, and distance. As you use your attacks, they level up, which makes them more powerful, and allows you to unlock new attacks.

10/10 Movement, I probably should've started with this section, but who cares... You move with the analog stick on the nunchuck, slightly pushing it in the direction you want to go will make you walk, and pushing it all the way is running. To dash, you press the C button, twice, then hold it (Note, this decreases your SP gauge, which is used for special attacks). Jumping is used with the B button, you can also roll by pressing A & B at the same time, while walking in a direction.

8/10 Graphics, they could be better, the graphics for the characters are great, but the scenery's could be a bit better, they are a bit repetitive.

8/10 Sound, The voice acting is great, the voices really match. But the music could be a bit better, it's forget able, but fits well with the locations.

10/10 Vs. Mode, Once you defeat an enemy, or boss you unlock them in Vs. Mode. Vs. Mode is where you can battle against a friend or CPU as the enemies you find in story mode, the straw hat crew, or the bosses.

9/10 Development, Development is a very fun aspect of the game, it increases the depth. Enemies drop item, and you can find some more items in the different dungeons you go through. If you take them back to the camp, you can make them into items that could be helpful to you in your travels.

So, overall this is a great game, I recommend it to anyone who has patience, loves RPGs, and One Piece fans it does the Manga justice.