The Bastard child of Bungie and Rockstar.

User Rating: 5.6 | Oni (Platinum) PS2
Every Family has at least one member that they don't like to talk about. You know, like the dead beat uncle that doesn't work and, always shows up just to bum money, the crack head cousin that is in and out of rehab or, the loser ,hippie, sister in law that is always on a journey of self discovery or something like that.... Well, enough of my family history. This game proves to everyone that just because you are product of two top notch publishers, is doesn't mean that you will amount to a damn thing. not saying that Oni wasn't decent. I do understand that living in the shadow of GTA and Halo is tough. its just the hype proved to be a spear in the side of a game that was already crucified. Not to mention, that the game tried to ride ther coat tails of a anime theme that was more like salt in the wounds of a game that has been in a knife fight. The graphics where decent for its time. It had a great engine however, you could tell because all the levels looked the same after a while. but the biggest problem, was the camera angles. the control wasn't nothing to be proud of either. That was my biggest problem with the game. I don't know about the PS2 version but, the PC version didn't allow you to change the control set up . that was just annoying. Overall, the game would of been great ....back in 1997 but by 2k1 standards and later, this game is below the bar.