Oni's gameplay is great, however the presentation could of be improved
As you start out, you enter a training mission, which you're going to need, because learning and using the controls in this game is extremely steep, it may be a turn off to some players, however most of the game relies on these controls with this mega steep learning curve.
Most of the game is mainly fighting and you will come across a lot of enemies trying to Konoko down. As you process each level, you will unlock new moves which will help you become much more stronger in the game.
This will hopefully allow you to take down tough opponent whom you come across the game, these guys are extremely tough, as you will get into fights
To help you are weapons which are found within each level and from fallen enemies, careful as weapons are lying around freely can be picked up by enemies and used against you, adds to the extra challenge of trying to survive each level. The levels also have power items such as invisibility. The levels do contain areas contains hazards which you have to try to avoid.
The presentation of the game tries it best to show off the Playstation's 2 power… however it fallen to do so, as the levels are empty and the meshes are bland however the sounds effects in the game are great, however I do question the voice acting a little bit, but I'll give it a pass.
Overall, Oni does pass as a good game, fill with challenging gameplay, however if the presentation could have been improve, it would of attracted a lot more attention.