I really like anime/manga based mmorpgs, its action packed an definitely full of adventure. You have crazy boss fights and the choice to work in a party or solo. I personally prefer solo but sometimes you do need the help! All the dungeons are different and you get new weapons as well as other important things like magatama's. Magatama's increase your weapon skill as well as attack damage, max hp, max sp, magic power, magic defense, critical and many more. There are different categories for each type of weapon. Power- Mostly chosen by users who use sword, oodachi, axe, and spear. Defensive- Mostly chosen by users who use spear and staff. Cautious- Mostly chosen by users who use wands, bows, an dual swords. Kind- Mostly used by users who we would call "supports" its for wands, and staffs. Daring- Daring is kind of everything put together, however I wouldn't recommend it if you intend to be a support nor if you're a spear user. Spear users main defense, but are very strong I'd even say they're the most OP players as long as they know what they're doing, spear users also normally have the highest hp because of being on the defense side you kinda need it lol. I'm in the Daring category, I main Bow but I can also support. I can also do Dual swords but currently I don't have the pair I want to use. Bow an Dual sword users fall into the same category, they both main on Dex. (Even though I said if you intend to do any supporting don't choose this... well I was a noob and I didn't think I'd need to support.. Don't judge XD) There are 5 status categories. Pow (For more attack dmg), Vit (For spear, defense and hp), Wis (For mage, mana/magic), Mnd (For staff, supporting), and Dex (For bow an dual increase in atk dmg and crit) Well I hope this helped! If ever feel like downloading Onigiri let me know, we all hate how long downloads are but its worth it. It can get laggy sometimes but that's with all games right? XD Add me I'll help you get started. IGN- Kataumi
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