I've always wanted to play one of the onimusha series games, and the other day whilst looking through my local game shop i saw a special 2 for 25 quid offer. The first thing i grapped was this followed by the most recent Prince Of Persia. When i got home and saw the beggining FMV i was in awe to it. Anyway.... This is the 3rd game in the very popular series. You play as 2 characters, Samanosuke Akechi and Jacques Blanc (Who's played by the french actor guy, he was in Godzilla) and just basically kick Genma Arse, except that Jack is in Samanosuke's times and vise versa. This game was a breath of fresh air to me even though it is quite an old title. I love just how much action there is in the game, along with all the coolio special moves. I recommend that you should get this game, and as its quite old you can get it for a good price.
Well its on to a new adventure in the onimusha series. The evil Oda Nobunaga is still trying to find a way to become ultimate ruler. This time his goal is to control the world using new tactics. Now he is controlling tim... Read Full Review