PC version !, cool now i can get some benefits out of my great VGA, well no you wont, the game is the same as the ps2 's

User Rating: 8.3 | Onimusha 3: Demon Siege PC
the game is an exact copy of the PS2 version of the game, well that not a very bad thing, on the contrary the game is indeed quiet awsome all that slashing and killing four legged freaks is just my type of games.

the games graphics arent that impressive, instead they are blurry and faded kinda like the graphics of the PS2 yet the game is still playable.

the only thing that bugs me when playing Onimusha 3 is the very very horrible made AI.. ! i mean its fine and all when you engage an enemy in a ranged or close combat but when you complete an area and leave it to the next stage, lets say the game rests itself so when you come back to the previous place you will have to fight the very same foes you killed moments ago.

the weapons in the game are very cool to use, either swords or wips or whatever you which to use its all up to you to decide, you collect souls or something close to that, purpel flying things the more you collect the more you can upgrade you weapons or armour or the speed of absorbing the souls...

the story is well put, and keeps you on you finger toes till you finish the game, i was soo excited to play that game that i spent so much time playing it that i didnt eat or sleep.

the game is worth your money but i'd rather play it on the PS2 so controlling your character would be much easier, becouse i admit it isnt that well arranged on the PC version and it was very confusing to redefine them at first.
