Pretty decent action game with some ocasional puzzles.
Well the story wasn't too good either. Just like Greg mentiond in his review - too much of evil laughter and phrases like "humianty's last hope, show me the power of black oni" etc... But there was a few moments when I got involved with the story... and I even liked the chracters...
The game feauters also pretty deep RPG elements. You can upgrade your weapons, or buy new ones but that's not all... you can also invest skill points in skills of your choice (of course you first have to earn them)
To be honest this RPG flavor was the main attraction for me, and it was one of the things that made me play this game to the end.
To sum up:
-fighting is enjoyable
-good grapchics
-few but amazing pre-renderded cutscenes
-deep customization system
-Too long!!!
-weak diologue
-weak story