By far, Capcom has made another masterpiece with neither drawbacks nor boundaries.
Onimusha: Warlords - Raizan, Shippuu, Enryuu, Bow, Matchlock, Bishamon Sword (only if you get the Bishamon Flute from the Dark Realm)
Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny - Buraitou, Senpumaru, Hyoujin-Yari, Dokoutsui, Rekka-Ken, Tanegashima, Tri-Barrel Gun, Bow
Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
Samanosuke - Bow, Tenso, Kuga, Chigo, Bishamon Sword (Dark Realm #3), Raizan, Shippuu, Enryuu (available after finishing the game), Genma Samonji (Final Battle)
Jacques - Oni Whip, Ultimate Whip, Enja, Raisen, Hyosai
As you can tell, there are quite a bit of weapons in the past titles. The action is better than before as well. You can switch characters by the press of a button and have that character fight along side you. The criticals are better and they can be upgraded! Also, team criticals are also in the game as well!
I haven't had the time to play it a lot since I played it for an hour. I'm in college and schoolwork consumes my life as always. But, I would go and get this game. It's worth the 40 bucks and you will not be disappointed at all!!!