A Purposefully Harsh Review for the benefit of previous Onimusha players
There's alot going on in this game. War, demon invasion, mystery, comedy, love triangles, melodrama... Maybe, a bit too much.
- The control scheme has been changed ever so slightly as to screw you if you've recently played any of the previous games. (I played through 3 before playing this, having already beaten 1 &2.) X now consumes souls instead of O and O initiates interactions, but still acts as cancel in menus.
- FORCED Replay value... You'll see.
- Stages?!?
- The camera is Movable... sometimes.
- Although its suggested you use the R3 to recenter the camera, I found myself using R1.
- The Dark Relm doesn't get much deeper...
- Keys are automatically used on the appropriate door if in your inventory.
- Cool end boss?
On it's own, this can be considered pretty huge, but as an Onimusha, it strays a bit too far from the beaten path.