want to spend money on something thats good? here it is

User Rating: 9.7 | Shin Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams PS2
now first, this game is 1 to look out for, nice visiuals and fighting make an excellent combo. this one comes with even more characters than the previous 1, which is good and i think it adds a nice touch to it.
you play as the oni like warrior SOKI and can find more characters along theway such as lil young JUBEI. the fighting can get really intense and often is, you can give your enemy a couple of slashes until it dies or you could give em a devastating blow followed by just a shed load of power slashes.
believe me this is really fun.
if you are a newcomer to the series i might suggest you play and finish demon siege first, but i dont think demon siege isint as good as this instalment, but whatever works your way.
overall this game is great, there is alot to do, its 2 discs, and a good few unlockables. this is one to look out for definatly
overall: 9/10