Pretty good, but frustrating.
Crisp and vibrant. Though there aren't many pixels used, its great. Though the graphics at camp mode are terrible. The movements of you and your weapons are seamless and the backgrounds are great. The cutscenes and characters look great, too. The enemiees all look great but my only problems are that some dungeons look EXACTLY the same ( note Ch. 12 and Ch.14) and also some enemies have constant rehashes throughout the game.. And also, the 6 FMV's in the game look fantastic.
Gameplay: 9/10
I love it when I fight. I love chopping down the enemies. But to keep from constant fights, the frequent puzzles appear. These puzzles take an awful amount of time ( in a good way) and are quite fun and interesting. There are TONS of weapons to get also. The boss fights are epic and fun. Now the only reason why I didn't give this a 10 is becuase at the last chapter you fight SEVEN bosses in a row. SEVEN. That was A HORRIBLE idea, Capcom. And also becuase this game is SO hard that I pulled three hairs out. Seriously, its VERY HARD.
Music/Sound: Music 9/10 Sound 10/10
The music playing at the background of each level are beautiful. With fast paced music, some soft music, some exciting music, you got it all! It also sounds how Japan is supposed to sound, not with the stupid strings constantly playing, you know. The voice acting is seamless and great.
This game took me FOURTY hours. That's how long it was with NO sidequests. I didn't do the 100 floor Dark Realm, I didn't get any ultimute weapons, I didn't do most treasure puzzle boxes, I didn't do ANY! If you did all the sidequests, it could take up to 50 hours, and the unlockables after you beat it make it worth playing again.
I don't know what that is, but I think tilt means how well the game played. It was great all the time, except for Ch.14 because it was the exact same thing as Ch.12. And it almost never gets repetitive, but when it is, you'll hate it. Like fighting the same bosses multiple times, same enemies, same puzzles, and the game's story takes quite some time to get going. Great game, though. A warning: THIS GAME IS INSANELY HARD. Just a warning for you guys who hate hard games. For you guys who like agrovation, this is for you