Worth a look but Try Before You Buy.
From the moment Onimusha starts the game is gripping, the first thing you see is a beautifully created CGI battle scene to rival the visual quality of the PS3 and Xbox360 consoles.
Oncee the introductory video and chatty bits are out of ther way you're thrown head first into the action. Our hero of the game, Samanosuke, sets out to find the kidnapped princess Yuki who has been taken by the minions of a warlord resurrected from death by demons. So on her wonders in search of her through the castle in which she lived. Quickly realising that the enemies he encounters are not living but dead soldiers! gasp! So the investigation begins into what is happening with all these zombie samurai types walking around.
The story in this game is fairly weak, not much is said about the characters or key plot points.
The voice overs are obscenely out of sync with the mouth movements of the chracters, it actually frustated me seeing the shoddy work here after such a good CGI sequence at the start. I would have preffered to play the game with japanase voices and english subtitles if it fit more to the mouth movements. The english voice overs are painfully dull, whoever was voice-acting for the game i would imagine is out of the job now.
The action in the game is great. Fighting is simplistic but effective and very satisfying to stomp some corpses into the ground and dig your sword through their hearts. Sometimes the camera angles mean these zombie swordsman block or restrict your view but all is forgiven for the sake of entertainment.
There was a lot of work done on the visuals, the detail was verry precise with gameplay graphics, for which a large portion of this games good points cover.
A nifty little feature for the game was the ability to level up weapons after absorbing enough enemy souls. This added a certain feeling of being able to customize to the game.
All in all the game is good fun, a few puzzles, a few good video scenes, lots of slice n dice zombie fights. But a lack of story makes it a difficult game to take seriously. Definately a Try Before You Buy Game.
Resident Evil...yes i had to say it, it's Resident Evil with samurai.