A few steps behind todays FPS's.
User Rating: 5.8 | Operation Flashpoint: Elite XBOX
Flashpoint Elite is set back in the older days of first person shooters. Yes one thing it has going for it is lots of vehicles, but bad graphics and some of the aircraft are difficult to control. It is kinda fun to get online and just have a dog fight but it is so difficult an confusing that your start spending most of your time trying to stay in the air. Landing is near to impossible unless you are very good at flight sim. Everyone else my have trouble. The graphics look like they came from 2001 and the mouths dont really move along with what the sarhent is saying. When you start running your trooper starts to huff and puff like some fat kid with no inhaler. (sorry that was a little strong) But it gets annoting listening to him breathe heavily. If i wanted someone breathing heavily i would watch Space Nuts(only some of you might know that movie) They story mode is decent and there are alot of things to do online. If you are a war buff i might suggest that you rent it but everyone else stay away.