If you want realism then you have found the perfect game!

User Rating: 9.5 | Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis PC
Now first of all I have to say that this game is extremely difficult and very realistic. One good shot by the enemy and you are dead. A good hit in your leg and your ability to walk is instantly limited or disabled completely (meaning you have to crawl). Now because of this super realism it takes a special kind of gamer to truly appreciate Operation Flashpoints brilliance. First of all you have to be patient and really learn how the game works. Running around and shooting at everything that moves is not a good tactic since the enemy will then notify your position and then you'll almost certainly die (if one good shot could kill you, imagine what ten good shots could do) .Since this is the common way to do things in most shooters some or maybe most fans of first person shooters will have strong feelings against this game/simulator. I have read a couple of bad reviews of this game and I'm almost certain that the writers are fans of traditional shooters and therefore gives this game a very unfair review. If you you are one of those who just love FPS where you run around and shoot at everything and gets hit by tons of bullets before you die? Well then perhaps this isn't the game for you and then their reviews may be good advice for you. Maybe you should test this game before you buy. If you on the other hand love anything with realism (like I do) then I'm very happy to say that you have found the right game. Do not let the age of it (it came out 2001) fool you. It's still a brilliant game and probably very cheap now so there are no reasons why you should not buy it!

The Graphics: The graphics compared to the games of today is really bad. However if you keep in mind that this games is stunningly SIX years old then you realise that the graphics isn't that bad afterall. In 2001 I promise you those graphics were really good although maybe not top notch even for 2001. The graphics is a little bit square'ish but the colours are truly great. A little pale and no shining colours which gives you a perfect atmoshpere in the game. It really feels more like a simulator then a game with these graphics.

The Gameplay: What really makes this game worth buying is it's gameplay. At the moment I haven't seen a game that could make you feel like a real soldier more than OF. Realism is the keyword for this game or simulator that I prefer calling it sometimes.

The sound: This might be the weakest part of Operation Flashpoint I'm afraid. The sound is functional but not much more than that and sometimes the voice acting get's a little bit boring. However the rest of the game really makes up for this part.

Lifetime: The cold war crisis campaign is long and does not end right away. More to it. You can actually play thru different paths in the campaign depending on how good you manage to solve the missions. In the end there's actually two different endings also that depending on how you manage as a soldier. Now you can also buy two more campaings. One where you play as the resistance leader and one where you see everything thru the russians side.

In conclusion:
If you are a shooters fan you should try before buy. If you are a realism fan then you have not much choice but to buy this super realistic game.