Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis.
The game is very realistic, and some may like this. Generally, especially in the campaign this gets very annoying, because not only do you die after only 2 shots from very accurate and well camouflaged opponents, but once you die you also have to start the whole mission again. There is the option to save, but it can only be done once, so repetition can be very high. In some missions you are also required to wait while the AI takes control (for a vehicle, whilst you sit in the back for example). This takes time, very much so when it has to be repeated 5 times because you've saved beforehand after a previous boring part. I even had one case where i was following my leader (who was in a jeep) in a truck. Another random jeep coming the other direction on the road crashed right into my leader's jeep. This consequently resulted in the failing of the mission.
The graphics are terrible, but good enough to not hinder good play, and considering it was made in 2000 I can see why. Trying to play it in 2008 with such an improvement in technology does not do anything to boost this game's reputation.
Learning the controls can be a bit confusing in the missions, but after randomly pressing all the buttons I found all the useful ones.
Overall I would still rank this game in the region 5-6.