Brilliant game for the millitary enthusiast, a must buy for realism fans everywhere. It scores a B+ with me.
The tactics are just right, and if you get a chance to play online there are a few mods for extra enjoyment to be had.
The Gameplay as I have already suggested is good, for hwat it is, although vehciles arent as hard to drive/fly as I would have hoped, for some reason :|
The Graphics are good for its time, but the game isnt focused on this aspect, but the game mods relased by such mod studios as UKF show that ofp is capable of high quality graphics, this is particualry shown in the expantion pack: Resistance, which features advanced graphics options.
Sound is farily standard, with the ablity to choose the voice of your player and change the tone, which can be rather funny when playing others online when you should orders in a high pitched mousey tone. But generally the sound could be improoved.
Vale is exelent, I picked it up for £10 ($15-17) at a bargain bin, and is worth the money if your willing to put the effort in.
Its fairly easy to learn to play, its just being good at it is the problem.
The game itself is based around a military campagin against the russians in 1984-5. And has most of the military equipment avalible in that era (M16a1, Ak-74, Ah64 helicopters, Mig jets and lots of other stuff including civilian transport, which is all usable.)
I would say its a worthwhile investment and if your in for a challenge and want somthing to really get you going on the road to 1337-ness, then give this a try.