operation flashpoint is still very good.

User Rating: 9 | Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis PC
Operation flashpoint.

Game play.

The game is about the US army versus the Russians and the scen is based on a map called Everon, and there is a war against the Russians and the United States army,

You play the soldier David Armstrong and no I don't think he is related to Neil Armstrong,

The sounds

The sounds are not perfect but they will let you see what war is but it is good enough for the game and the way they are in the game is quite good,

The sounds of all the vehicle engines are very good from the jeep to an apache helicopter, and the way the sounds of the guns and rockets from the helicopters are good.

And the explosions when you have destroyed a tank or a other vehicle is very good.


The graphics are good and especially when a rocket from a helicopter its the ground turns the ground in to mud where the rocket hit.

When you have destroyed a vehicle the vehicles metal bends out of shape and that tell you that the vehicle has been destroyed.

So I recommend that this game is still very good so you should start playing it.