If your looking for a short and posetive review ... look somewhere else dude...
You cant see jack as far as yuor enemys go
its boring
aiming is unrealistic and off
worste voice overs ever
your team talks to much, they woould be alot more helpful if they didnt say anything....
its not even really that fun juts because its so hard to play without wanting to throw up because of the terrible graphics, its wierd that the charecters are less realistic than te vehichles and that there is the hollow everything effect( your gun goes through your hands)
Your charecter runs like a 6th grade girl in P.E.
Im missing alot, that i cant think of, and if youve played this, your thinking the same thing
You get to shoot a gun....
decent game play
I give this a flat 3.1 of 10
Dont even rent this game, its a waste of 6 dollars
BTW i spent less than 30 minutes playing this game, good thing i rented 2