The game is not for everyone. This is the only game that has ever given me an adernaline rush.
User Rating: 9 | Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising X360
Operation Flashpoint is not a game for everyone. If you enjoy mindless shooters with no depth or strategy involed (ex. Call Of Duty) this game is not for you. To play this game you need to think, scout, plan, and execute. This game involves alot of thinking. Operation Flashpoint is a very difficult game that will have you restarting alot. The A.I isnt as bad as people say it is, sure your teamates may not listen to your orders every once and a while and sometimes the A.I gets stuck on stuff and has trouble finding cover, but your team can still be usefull and the enemies difficult. I dont have XBL but i have played the game online and it is really fun. The graphics are very good in the game, the soliders react to bullets, dirt will kick up all over making your screen dirty, when someone near you gets shot blood will splatter on the screen, the explosions are amazing and after there is a realitic shockwave that hits you so after an explosion in the distance dont expct to here the boom right away. The game also has very long draw distances. Operation Flashpoint has very realistic bullet trajectories, so if you see an enemy a few miles off you will need to raise your sniper (a rifle wont work at that distance) to find the accruate markers on your scope. Overall Operation Flashpoint is a great game with a few bugs and some A.I bluffs. I would recommende you rent it first because it is not for everyone.