People don't understand this game...

User Rating: 9 | Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising PC
I see comment after comment about how this game is a let down. I'm GLAD to see that, because I don't want people playing this game who don't love it.

This game is NOT made to challenge the Call of Duty series.

This game is NOT meant for you to show off your "leet headshot spray-and-pray" Counterstrike skills.

So if you're a FPS fan, flipping through the screens and say "Hey and M4! Hey cool commando gear. I'm gunna get this game and pwn noobs off the servers!".. ..PASS ON THIS GAME!!

However, if you're a fan of gritty, intense combat and tactical and strategic planning, communication and teamwork amongst players, and being able to realize the best way to tackle a situation isn't "run in with guns blazing and see who's left standing" then this game will be a blast for you.

Also, save yourself the frustration and get this game on PC... a game this in depth is murderous with clunky, awful Console controls. Mouse and Keyboard are the way to go.