Over hyped broken game.
After playing for a few hours I have realised that the single player is no where near as good as I presumed after seeing the trailers. However I am still enjoying it, but it just seems basic. There is no large battles, its a simple spawn, given mission then running across 20km of field to achieve that mission. Along the way shoot the odd chinese guy who seems to appear out of no where.
I must admitt I am impressed with the AI squad tactics, they do seem to follow them quite well. If I tell my squad to flank left to attack enemy emplacements, they will actually take caution and follow real procedures to get that done. Only problem is they usually wonder off quite a bit if your defending a position. But I suppose you cant expect them to be attached to you by the limbs.
The most disappointing feature of this game has got to be the multiplayer. Possibly more broken than Frontlines: Fuel of War when that had first came out. The menus are clunky, often will freeze. The funniest is the fact the invititation menu doesnt actually give you the option to invite a friend. The only option it gives is to delete your friend, thats helpful isnt it.
Main point to make about multiplayer is the fact that it has no dedicated servers, everything is player hosted. Which causes massive lag considering player sizes can go up to 32. Iv had one decent game and that was because I hosted it and with only 6 people. It was still fun because the AI filled up the squads.
I know in this review I have pretty much bashed it for being a bad game, but I have a feeling that codemasters will patch it, fix it and maybe... just maybe give it dedicated files. Which in my opinion will fix everything. Because we might actually be able to play the multiplayer then.