This game with its console graphics and clunky ai did not impress me at all and I got rid of it after one nights gaming (sold it to guy outside dick smiths for $20 less than i paid). There are some games that you just know cannot be fixed even with multi-gigabyte patches. The Ai is clunky and will do things like break cover, get in your line of fire and ignore orders. The enviorment is meh, the graphics are ok for a console port. The command menus in ArmA2 offer more options and are actually easier to use (by use I mean get things done and yes this surprised me too) With all the hype surrounding this game I really expected a decent sim but what I got was, no sense of being within the game world, no leaning, non responsive and at times mutinus (they will shoot you!) Ai, inaccurate bullet and vehicle physics (heli like flying saucer, trucks like slot cars), poor graphic lod, fov, bad clipping and sticking to rocks, doorways, buildings, grass!, some animations missing while others are to obtrusive like reloading and unable to move for a full second after animation completes? crawl through grass come to a rock, and, stand up? why did I stand up??? zoom is terrible scopes i tried were blurry, when i found real people to play against the damn game lag killed me and somtimes dropped me out of matches. Command reticule stays on screen for way too long. Did anyone find free look? The slide show instructions prior to each objective pulls you out of the game and ruin any immersion you have been struggling for in the past fifteen minutes. oh and the respawns suk! On the codemaster forums some suggested renames for this game are 'Operation Cashpoint, Operation pointless, operation trashpoint: Broken Promises to which I will add mine 'operation make money a success, but the patient died'.
Other Helpful Reviews for Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
I loved the original Operation Flashpoint. I didn't really get into Armed Assault and I spent a good amount of frustrated hours playing ArmA2. This review is based on playing through the campaign on medium difficulty on ... Read Full Review
Let me start the review with the statement that this game IN NO WAY is a run and gun game. If you are comming from action/arcade FPS such as Call Of Duty, Css, this game will take a lot of adjusting. If you fit the des... Read Full Review