I'm actually glad this is something different . COD is a great franchise .It offers great multiplayer , robust and chaotic run and gun fun.And that's not a bad thing.I like it for what it is. And that why I enjoy Operation Flashpoint :Dragon RIsing so much ,it doesn't try to be another COD clone. It more of a tactical shooter, a strategic shooter, a thinking man's war. And it does it extremely well . A bit reminiscence of the old Ghost Recon games from the orignal Xbox. Sure your team mates are at times stupid and other times they are pretty good.But the missions are fun and some intense .So please don't go into trying to compare this to anything.You wouldn't compare Bad Company or Battlefield to COD either. They are great games for what they are. So if your in the market for a different kind of war game then check it out . It good fun!
Other Helpful Reviews for Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
I've played this about 4 hours, so there is still much to be discovered. There are a few Love/hate relationships in the game so far. Your AI will intelligently storm a building, finding alternative ground level doors be... Read Full Review
Mixed feelings for sure. Been playing the 1st Operation Flashpoint like crazy back in the old days and back then I also had these little issues against the game. History repeated it self for sure with this version. It... Read Full Review