I always try to search out and look for video games that are otherwise elusive, and difficult to find. After all, how do you know if a video game is good or not, unless you play it for yourself? Video Game Developer Jaleco, was one of the video game companies, that through no fault of its own, put out video games that mostly eluded my knowledge until recently. Now that I have actually played through some of the games that Jaleco put out, I now know that Jaleco made games that were very different from what many of the other video game developers were making at the time. While the story of this game is very incomprehensible in-game (which I can forgive, for only being a 16-bit game made in 1993), the graphics are very incredible! Even though this may seem like a typical game where you run around, and gun enemies down, it's actually not that simple. The character you play as, has a limited health energy bar. And unlike most games, the enemies don't DROP health restoring items. While health recharging stations CAN be found, they can only be used ONCE; so, keeping your distance from enemies, and using the weapon that can destroy their health as quickly as possible, is a must in this game! The sound and controls for this game are also pretty solid, even if the challenge is a little more difficult than it needs to be! Thankfully, with this game now being available to play on the Super NES, its a LOT more forgiving and easier to actually beat the game, seeing as how you can rewind your progress if necessary, and take the steps needed, to keep the damage to your character at a minimum, which is very important for surviving against the challenging bosses found in this game! This game has very interesting game play, and I highly recommend playing it, for video game players who want a unique video game experience for the usual run and gun video games. Enough said, true believers!
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