I don't know how I came upon owning this classic and rare NES game, nor do I understand what really is happening when you play it. Apparently you're a space ship of some sort who flies in a 360 degree angle from the front to the back of the screen. Not up and down, just like a horizontal ring (hence the 3-D in the title). The object of the game is to run your ship into, umm, things I guess. Things such as the eyes of a giant face...in space? I attempted to play this game many times as a child, even once or twice into my teens feeling retro, and still don't understand the point of the game. Just because you are utilizing 3-D space within a 2-D field, doesn't necessarily justify a game's release. Although it can be challenging to get your ship to fly right through the eye of a giant face...why do we want to?