Interesting Storytelling Concept Ruined By Dead Ends

User Rating: 5 | Ord. LNX

Ord has a unique way of storytelling I will give it that. It starts with a word, you pick a possible word in response and then it has an outcome. It strings these together to tell a tale. There are various stories you can choose to see and try to make it through. I say try because many of the options result in your death or end the story regardless. You the have to start at the beginning and try to remember which ones are faux choices to try to get further. I tend to not enjoy visual novels where so many choices aren’t actual choices. The stories themselves were interesting enough and the mechanic of only picking one word responses was a nice change but in the end it wasn’t enough to hold my interest to try to grind my way to the end of each story. I gave each story a few tries. There is no save feature though at all. If you exit the game you start the story fresh. If you die you start each story fresh. There are no visuals to this visual novel, just a black screen with the words. I don’t mind this myself but some may. There is music in the background but it never changed throughout my play through.

I played Ord on Linux. It never crashed on me and I didn’t notice any spelling errors. Alt-Tab didn’t work.

Disk Space Used: 93 MB

Game Engine: Unity


Save System: None

GPU Usage: 1-55 %

VRAM Usage: 513-524 MB

CPU Usage: 1-5 %

RAM Usage: 2.6 GB

There are worse games out there but there are better ones as well. I only paid $2.29 CAD for Ord but the visual novel genre is packed with quality options for the same or less price that I enjoyed more than Ord. The content is fine for the price but I only spent 22 minutes before tiring of the dead end choices.

My Score: 5/10

My System:

AMD Ryzen 5 2600X | 16GB DDR4-3000 CL15 | MSI RX 5700 XT Gaming X 8GB | Mesa 20.1.7 | Samsung 970 Evo Plus 500GB | Manjaro 20.1 | Mate 1.24.1 | Kernel 5.8.6-1-MANJARO