Ignore the Nerd Rage 1 Star Ratings on iTunes - This is a Great Game
The biggest problems with this game, to date, is the level cap is 60, and there is no endgame content. Hitting level 60 takes a lot of time to do unless you obsess over the game and never put it down for a solid week and abandon your life. You won't hit 60 overnight. There is plenty of enjoyment to be had from this game. It is WELL worth $7, and in app purchases are NOT required. Future content is promised. I am patiently waiting.
Many level 60s became bored with the game, and found destructive things to do with their time. THIS is where the problems really began. Yes, Gameloft didn't deliver a completely perfect product, but it took the abuse of players to make these flaws very pronounced.
The most harmful hobby of high level players was ganking lowbies in PVP (player versus player) areas. Ganked players would "respawn" in a graveyard located in PVP areas. So, the high level players would stand next to the graveyard and gank upon respawn, so the low level player could do absolutely nothing except stand there and be killed until they logged off. Several quests that reward with xp and items were located in PVP zones. High-level players were making it impossible to advance in the game without completely abandoning the questline to "grind" (mindlessly kill creatures to gain experience). Many players claim they quit the game over this.
Hobby number two of high level players was to form groups, camp out points where rare items dropped, and then hoard the items. Very rarely would you see one of these items in auction for in-game gold and if you did, they were deliberately priced to be unaffordable. I know from experience that if you contacted theses players and asked what the "real" price was, they would direct you to PayPal.
In short, there was an "elite" group of players who burned to level 60 and proceeded to monopolize key points in the game to prevent others from enjoying it, and to attach a real-world price tag to rare items. I know this is to be expected up to a point in MMORPGs, but this was weighing the game down before it had any real chance to take off.
Two things came with this update:
1. Graveyards were declared safe places in PVP. Yes, you can still do player kills, but you can no longer sit there and immobilize a player indefinitely.
2. High level armor was made available as an in app purchase for level 60 players. (It is important to note that this armor is different than armor already available in the game, and **you can still obtain the other high level armor in the game**.) This means that all players who have dedicated time to the game to reach 60 have equal access to good armor. I no longer have some ganking, hoarding, troglodyte who lives in his mom's basement as the gatekeeper to high level armor. For that, Gameloft, I thank you.
This update knocked many high-level gankers off their high horses. This game had great reviews in iTunes until this update. However, there are now many "1" star reviews in the iTunes store. I strongly suspect these players, in true herd mentality fashion, all wrote reviews and voted each other up to ensure they all appeared as most helpful on the front page of reviews. Can I prove it? No. But I will urge you to not believe the reviews. This game is GOOD.
I really hate to see the future playing base potentially damaged because people who do not know this game will read the 1 star reviews. You CAN play this game without paying lots of money.
I am very pleased with this game so far, and I believe Gameloft is working to deliver a quality product. It can be difficult to be patient, but I am confident that a future update will deliver more game content to those of us who have hit the 60 cap and are wanting more things to do.