The first thing that I like about this game - it's easy to learn the basics of gameplay. Here ur not supposed to deal with harvesting or building nor with micromanaging every separate unit - all troops are grouped in squads, new units appear from the edge of the map, resources come from captured control points. Seems like the devs intended to save player's time - focuse is made on "real work" on the battlefield. Liked almost all scenarios in the campaigns, though had some problems save/load (pre-patched version) in some of them. Multiplayer is cool - with lots of troops, hugee armies and maps and absolutely mind-blowing gameplay. There's only one objective - just destroy your rivals and capture all flags. You decide on best tactics and strategy that will alllow you to win. Had no problems with STEAM yet - so it's not a reason to pass this game as it's definitely worth trying.
Square Enix is almost always one of the companies that I can trust when it comes to putting out solid games. They're obviously packing the reputation of all the Final Fantasy games, but even on the outside of that, thei... Read Full Review
Graphics:8.5 Audio:7.0 Storyline:6.5 Requirement:6.0 Gameplay:6.0 Price;4.0 First and for most, I was very surprise that Square Enix branded their title together with Its not a bad thing though, bu... Read Full Review