First I have to say that i had really high expectations for this game I loved World in conflict and when heard that this game will almost be the same but the setting will be in World War 2 (which is my favorite) I was really excited.The first few missions were fun and i thought that this could maybe be my favorite game until the bugs appeared and there were many for example when i load a game the loading meter thing gets stuck at about 90% and when i save the saving meter is full but nothing happens. These bugs dont happen all the time but i get scared everytime i load or save and that shouldnt happen.The gameplay is just click and drag nothing revolutionary.But one thing about the game that really frustrates me is how effective the artillerys are. They can destroy a tiger in a few shots i mean in reality are they really that accurate and powerful? The game is pretty long and takes for a normal person about 10-12 hours to complete.
Square Enix is almost always one of the companies that I can trust when it comes to putting out solid games. They're obviously packing the reputation of all the Final Fantasy games, but even on the outside of that, thei... Read Full Review
Graphics:8.5 Audio:7.0 Storyline:6.5 Requirement:6.0 Gameplay:6.0 Price;4.0 First and for most, I was very surprise that Square Enix branded their title together with Its not a bad thing though, bu... Read Full Review