Otagi2 is the best mix of over the top action, breathtaking graphics and completely imersive sound- period.
User Rating: 8.5 | Otogi: Hyakki Toubatsu Emaki XBOX
Otagi2 is the best mix of overthe top action, breathtaking graphics and completely imersive sound- period. If you like the movie Hero or Crouching Tiger this game is for you. Otagi is based on Japanese mithology so its all about magic, swords and phenominal design. GRAPHICS- This is a beautiful tapestry of design, lighting and animation. The numerus filters, the gently flowing streams the thousands of individual falling leaves and petals, The painstakingly detailed houses and statues all hand crafted by what apears to be an amazing team of arcitectul gods, make the enviroments in this game gleam with polish. The 6 unique playable characters are brilliantly designed with cloth and weapons to match. The rediculous amount of high grade onscreen particles are a sight to behold. Tons of highly detailed creatures and Bosses are aplenty. (Ive always wanted to use that word) GAMEPLAY- The most over the top action you will see this year. You can destroy everything. If you see a tree, house, rock, bridge, temple, boat, or anything else, you can destroy it. Doing a 50 hit combo in the air, sending a giant demon spider hurling into a house, smashing it to peices, seding debris flying everywhere is amazingly satisfying. I dont just want to kill an enemy. I want to pick it up, jump off a cliff, throw it through a bridge, into the ground leaving a crater indention, smoke and rubble. The action gets so extreme at times- In one level I was swarmed by litteraly hundreds of enemies.I performed a 485 hit combo without touching the ground. This is the kind of action we rarely see in games these days. This is a mission based game, so the levels and goals are ever changing. You cant use the same character twice in a row forcing you to use multiple characters. This adds difficulty and strategy to the missions. The AI is outstanding. Some spirits can even posess giant statues to attack with. The 6 playable characters all have numerous different magics, weapons strengths and weaknesses such as speed, agility, power, health, durability and moves. SOUND- Phenominaly imersive, ambience. Though many of the songs will seem overly soothing for the hectic action at certain points. The weapon, creature and magic sounds are all solid. The environment sounds are what really places Otagi on apetistol for me. I cant remember stopping to hear the bids softly chirping wile the leaves rustle in the wind. If you really listen you can hear the whispered creak of a windmill or the rushing of a waterfall way in the distance. Ahhh... sorry, what was I saying. WARNING!- This game is not story heavy, no guns or cars. This is for art and action junkies only. And if you have no skills dont bring it, becase Otagi2 will hand you your a$$. LOL! In other words its not easy. For the hardcore who are blessed with an eye and an ear for detail and a need for some old school button mashing, welcome to heaven.