An FPS in a Western-setting is something you've always wanted but never really knew you did until this game was announced. The game tells the story of a very thin and tall stylized gunslinger whose name escapes me (it's been a considerable while since I last played the game anyhow). You know the drill by now, some outlaws - there it is - kills the wife of the character you play as, and they're not satisfied with that since they also kidnap your daughter. If you want to be certain that you piss someone off, this is the perfect way. It's also the setup to you walking around various familiar-looking Western-style places and kill an endless amount of bad guys. The areas you visit, like towns and canyons look and feel like they're straight from any classic Spaghetti-Western movie. What the game does best is create a sort of atmosphere of being in the old West that is truly brilliant and very immersive. Sound effects are great and the music is awesome and also sounds like the music composed by Ennio Morricone for Sergio Leone's Spaghetti-Western films. The game plays very challenging since you have to be fast on the draw or you'll hit the dust fast. For realism I recommend playing on the hard difficulty setting; on this one you'll only be able to take about two or three shots before you die. The weapons feel very intuitive and there is no stepladder feeling to them as you progress - like usually is the case with FPS-games, since you can use the revolver you start with all the way through the game without it being too weak. The graphics are really nice and have a cartoonish style to them that people will probably either hate or love like was the case with Zelda: Wind Waker's graphics. Fans of FPS's and Westerns will probably enjoy Outlaws immensely.
Every now and then comes a game out of the dark that surprises me, I might take one look at it and think it total garbage but upon playing further discover a gem. I discovered Outlaws when I received a demo disk of Lucas... Read Full Review
From the beginning of the game, when you first start the campaign, you can tell that Outlaws is going to be a great video game. It has some of the best cut scenes of any game of its time. That's what starts it off. T... Read Full Review